For Better health
Scientific studies have shown that vegan diet is more advantageous as compared to non-vegan diet. It increases energy, makes you look young, improves cardiovascular health and reduces heart disease, controls weight and many more.
Vegetables are rich in nutrient, iron, calcium, vitamin and minerals. Moreover, nutrients provided by plant tend to be high in fiber, low fat and contain antioxidants. Thus, these nutrients are very essential to maintain a good health.
For the Animals
Many people choose to become began for animal life and freedom. Moreover, emotional attachment with animal may be the other reason for going vegan. You can take a stand against animal cruelty and animal exploitation by avoiding animal products. So, it is better to go vegan for the sake of animal life and freedom.
For healthy environment
For the greener and healthy environment, it is better to avoid animal products.
Why is meat and dairy unhealthy for the environment?
Animal products including meat production places a gist for the environment. One of the reasons for deforestation, habitat loss and species extinction is the huge amount of grain feed required for the meat production. In Brazil, around 6 million acres of land is used to grow soya beans for animals. People are dying from malnutrition and here a huge acre of land is used to grow cash crops for animals. On the contrary, it requires only lower quantities of crops and water to sustain a vegan diet. Thus, adopting a vegan diet is one of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce impact on environment.
For the greener and healthy environment, it is better to avoid animal products.
Why is meat and dairy unhealthy for the environment?
Animal products including meat production places a gist for the environment. One of the reasons for deforestation, habitat loss and species extinction is the huge amount of grain feed required for the meat production. In Brazil, around 6 million acres of land is used to grow soya beans for animals. People are dying from malnutrition and here a huge acre of land is used to grow cash crops for animals. On the contrary, it requires only lower quantities of crops and water to sustain a vegan diet. Thus, adopting a vegan diet is one of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce impact on environment.
For the people
The most sustainable way of feeding the human family is to choose plant based living. Plant-based diet requires only one-third of land. Moreover, by avoiding animal products and adopting vegan diet also solves the problem of hunger and malnutrition. Huge land used to grow cash crops for animals can be used for cultivation of crops for people. So plant based living is more sustainable way of feeding human family.
Being vegetarian isn’t enough
It is not only enough to be vegetarian. Do you know how many male calves are killed for the production of dairy products? Dairy farmer kills the male calves that are no use to them as well as the cow when their milk production decreases. Similarly, in the egg industry there is the killing of unnecessary male chicks. So, it is better to avoid the dairy and meat and shift to vegan diet.
Ethical meat
I don’t think there is something like ethical meat. It is not that animals don’t fear or have no pain when slaughtered. Every living creature do fear death; no matter how they are treated when alive and experience same fear as we do.
The good news is that we can do something about it. We can avoid the meat products in restaurant and take a stand by choosing only vegan diet. Going vegan is the easiest way to save animal exploitation. Besides, there is also a benefit to our health in vegan diet. Thus for smaller carbon footprint, better health, better environment let us choose to be a vegetarian.