We Cannot Continue to Ignore the Price Our Children Pay for Our Cigarette Smoking

Many smokers want to give up cigarettes when they become parents, but the difficulty of separating from the ‘company’ that has been with them for so many years prevents them from doing so. If you also want to stop the impact of cigarettes on your child’s health but can’t quite succeed, you must read this article:

Becoming a parent encourages us to try to change deep patterns of behavior, even if, in the past, our previous attempts to change them have failed; one notable example of this is the attempt by many parents to quit smoking. Every parent who smokes faces a dilemma: whether to continue smoking despite the knowledge that it puts them at risk of terminal illness and harms their child’s health, or to try to give up on one of their greatest pleasures.

Do your cigarettes hurt your children?

Over the years, many medical studies have unequivocally demonstrated that children of smoking parents suffer from a variety of health symptoms, including damage to their immune system and a tendency to develop more respiratory illnesses. Also, experts warn that children living in a smoker’s home may develop a nicotine addiction like the smokers themselves.

In the past, many parents thought that if they didn’t smoke near their children, they would prevent them from the dangers of cigarettes; today, it’s clear beyond any doubt that this is not the case. A smoking parent affects the health of his children, even if the smoking itself is not done near them. Each cigarette has about 4,000 different toxins (some of which are addictive!) that are absorbed in the fingers and clothes of smokers that are then passed on to everyone who comes into contact with them.

The same toxins are absorbed in carpets, curtains, bedding and even on the walls, so the likelihood that a smoking parent will be able to prevent his children from exposure to the dangerous substances found in every cigarette is not possible.

The immediate physiological effect of cigarette poison on children can manifest in several ways – some children develop eye irritations, others respiratory problems leading to asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, respiratory and ear infections. Other children will suffer from a general weakening of the immune system that can lead to higher vulnerability to viruses and other bacteria. The longer a child is exposed to cigarette smoke, the greater the damage to his health; the longer a child is exposed to smoking and cigarette smoke, the more likely the damage to the child will be critical.

The child of a parent who smokes will end up smoking himself

The damage caused by exposure to smoking at a young age is not just limited to the physical side of things. The chances of a child who grows up with a smoking parent becoming a future smoker himself are much higher than with a child who grew up in a non-smoking home. The explanation for this is logical and simple – a parent is a child’s first role model, and a parent’s behavior is always an ‘example’ to their child. No matter how many times we explain to the child that smoking is harmful and that it is wrong that we smoke, in the end, he sees mom or dad choosing to light a cigarette time after time, and therefore, feel that it’s legitimate to do the same someday.

Smokers give their children this harmful habit (with all the implications and inherent dangers that come with it) unconsciously. Psychological studies have also shown that children of smokers have a higher tendency to become addicts in general.

Only 3% of smokers who try to stop alone are successful

The harmful effects of smoking encourage both new and older parents to try and stop smoking. The problem is, even with plenty of motivation and a genuine desire to quit this harmful habit, stopping smoking is extremely difficult – this leads to the fact that only 3% of those who try to quit smoking without professional help manage to do so.

Many smokers claim their biggest obstacle in stopping smoking is an inability to imagine life without cigarettes; in fact, what smokers are really describing is an inability to emotionally and permanently separate from cigarettes. This insight was reached via a cognitive method of quitting smoking and has already benefited millions of parents all over the world.

During the 6-hour Allen Carr Online Program, the smoker’s cognitive system does not attempt to ‘separate completely’ from the cigarette, rather, it learns to separate from the NEED for cigarettes: it turns out that there is a big difference between the two things and that is precisely why the Allen Carr Online Program has such a high success rate:

About 90% of smokers who tried to quit using this program succeeded in doing so.

In conclusion, if you appreciate that smoking cigarettes comes at the expense of your commitment to your children, now is the right time to take responsibility and quit the cycle of smoking. Every smoker has the power to stop, he or she just needs to find the right way to do it. If you are somehow able to do it yourself, get up from the chair, look your child in the eye and throw the box in the trash!

The most important thing is not to give up. Most people need a few tries before they reach their goal and leave the cigarettes behind. If you have previously tried to quit smoking alone and have not succeeded, why not seek the type of professional help that has already proven to be effective. Now that the goal is clearer and more important than ever, all you have to do is use the Allen Carr Online Program in order to help you stop harming your health and that of your children.