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Jamie | June 30, 2022
Game changer: More then 8 million Americans will agree that Nicobloc is the easiest way to quit smoking…because you quit nicotine before you quit smoking
I smoked my first cigarette when I was 14 years old.
Back then, everyone smoked. Reports linking cigarettes with lung cancer1 came out just a few years earlier, but nobody was really ready (or willing) to believe it.
By my mid-twenties, I was smoking almost two packs a day. That was fifty years ago!
Cigarettes became my entire adult life. When my eldest daughter entered elementary school, her locker partner complained to the teacher that their locker (and everything in it) reeked of smoke. My daughter got off the bus that afternoon in tears.
That was the first time I ever tried to quit. I made it exactly one week, then found my way back to cigarettes.
Since then, I’ve tried to quit smoking dozens of times. Name any pill, patch, gum, and e-cigarette on the planet – I’ve tried them all. And nothing has worked.
This year, my daughter gave birth to a daughter of her own. From day one, she made it clear I wouldn’t be allowed to bring smoke anywhere near the baby.
After two months of being unable to see my first (and only) grandchild, I knew I had to make a change. Knowing that every step-by-step program and cold turkey attempt to quit smoking failed me in the past, I looked for an entirely new approach.
That’s when I saw an advertisement for something called “NicoBloc” that offered a new way to quit smoking. This method even allowed me to continue smoking while I quit – which seemed crazy.
I normally don’t order products off the internet, but I was desperate… and I figured hey, sometimes the things you least expect to work are the ones that work the best.
So I tried it… and I’m incredibly glad I did. Because now, just six weeks later, I’ve completely quit smoking.
Next weekend, I will finally hold my granddaughter in my arms for the first time. It’s all thanks to NicoBloc – the easiest (and strangest) quitting method I’ve ever tried.
Simply drop NicoBloc on your cigarettes to reduce the amount of nicotine and tar you inhale from them. You choose the amount of nicotine to block, which allows you to gradually quit at your own pace.
NicoBloc is a new stop-smoking aid that helps you quit nicotine before you quit smoking.
It comes in a liquid formula that you apply directly to your cigarette filters before you smoke. The NicoBloc liquid blocks tar and nicotine, preventing them from entering your lungs.
A single drop of NicoBloc blocks up to 33% of tar and nicotine, while three drops block the tar and nicotine content by 99%. You start with one drop during the first week, then add more when you feel ready to take the next step.
This leaves lifelong smokers stuck in a hopeless cycle. First, you quit, then you feel miserable, then you give up… feeling more ashamed than you did before. This repeated failure wears you down and makes it harder for you to imagine ever quitting.
That’s why researchers have been so excited about a new technique that takes a VERY different approach… with unbelievable success rates in multiple trials in the UK.
It’s called NicoBloc, and after decades of being kept under wraps, it’s finally available to the public… and thousands of people have already used it to quit successfully.
NicoBloc is a new stop-smoking aid that helps you quit nicotine before you quit smoking.
It may sound strange, but it’s highly effective. It comes in a liquid formula that you apply directly to your cigarette filters before you smoke. The NicoBloc liquid blocks tar and nicotine, preventing them from entering your lungs.
NicoBloc doesn’t change the taste of your cigarettes, either. That means you can continue smoking your normal brand, following the same ritual as before – just start adding NicoBloc to start the quitting process.
A single drop of NicoBloc blocks up to 33% of tar and nicotine, while three drops block the tar and nicotine content by 99%. You start with one drop during the first week, then add more when you feel ready to take the next step.
This method has two main benefits:
In addition, NicoBloc is a self-applied formula, giving you complete control of how you wean yourself off nicotine. For the first two weeks using NicoBloc, I only applied a single drop. Then, when I felt ready, I moved up to two drops, and finally three.
Placing myself in the driver’s seat gave me the confidence and peace of mind that this was my journey, and I could move at my own speed. Whenever I tried to quit cold turkey in the past, I felt completely out of control, biting my nails and eating everything in sight. Using NicoBloc, I controlled the pace of quitting nicotine – until I realized I no longer needed it.
At first, I really didn’t think NicoBloc would work. But now that I’ve used it successfully, the method actually makes a lot of sense.
Unlike gum, patches, and other techniques, NicoBloc doesn’t substitute one bad habit for another. Instead, it fights addiction from all sides.
If you’re a lifelong smoker (like I was), you know that smoking isn’t just chemical dependency — it’s a social, mental, and behavioral addiction that impacts your entire life. And that’s one of the reasons why NicoBloc works so well.
Quitting with NicoBloc is strange – you basically “quit before you know it”.
It’s hard to describe… and honestly, it sounds unbelievable to someone who’s tried to quit before. But it really is a different approach, it really is easy, and it really works.
The first thing you’ll notice is that NicoBloc doesn’t change the taste of your cigarette. Everything feels normal, which is weird because you’re expecting something unpleasant. Quitting is supposed to be difficult and frustrating, right?! Not with NicoBloc.
Then you’ll start to notice that it’s been longer than usual since your last cigarette… so you go out and smoke, which satisfies your craving.
This is where the magic happens. Over time, these “gaps” between cigarettes get longer and longer. You simply crave less and less, which naturally makes you smoke less. It’s like quitting automatically!
After a week or two, you’ll start to feel like you can actually breathe again. (You’ll also start to finally realize how NASTY ashtrays smell!)
Around week 3, you’ll find it surprisingly easy to delay your morning smoke. This starts a “domino effect” – since you can easily avoid smoking in the morning now, you can also space out the rest of your cigarettes more easily… meaning you smoke less naturally.
At this point, it’s your choice when you finally throw out that pack. Personally, I quit after 6 weeks – I was already down to one a day (which was more symbolic than anything).
Then it came time to throw my pack in the trash – while there were still cigarettes in it (unthinkable just a few weeks prior!).
I have never felt more powerful as a person than I did at that moment.
That’s when I realized: I thought I quit because I wanted to hold my granddaughter. But I really quit because I care about myself. I just needed the right help. For me, NicoBloc was it.
If you’ve tried and failed to quit smoking over and over again, you have to try NicoBloc.
Trust me, I get it! Some reports state that quitting smoking is harder than quitting heroin2. It’s put up a literal smokescreen between you and everyone you love, and yet you still can’t kick the habit.
If you have tried every product and are on the verge of giving up, please try NicoBloc. I’m far from the only success story – in a number of clinical trials, 58% of people who used NicoBloc successfully quit smoking, and others reduced their cigarette consumption by up to 77%.
Do you know how this compares to other products? Every year, over half (55%) of smokers try to put down their cigarettes for good, yet only about 5% succeed. This means that using NicoBloc can increase your chances of quitting by 10 times!
If you’re trying to quit smoking, I’m begging you to try NicoBloc. I know it can be frustrating to try yet another product, but trust me – this is unlike any patch or step-by-step program you’ve attempted before. Honestly, my only regret is that I didn’t try NicoBloc earlier – I could have held my grandchild the first day she was born!
NicoBloc is unlike other products because you control the pace in which you quit. Over time, you can gradually cut nicotine and tar out of your system… and before you know it, you’ll be ready to toss out your cigarettes forever.
Don’t waste another minute being isolated by your friends and loved ones by a cloud of smoke. Try NicoBloc today!
Wow! This has quickly become one of our most popular articles – apparently, a lot of you were able to try NicoBloc and found success. That’s great!
In fact, so many of you tried it after reading this article that the folks at NicoBloc reached out to us. They want to support as many people quitting as possible… so anyone who reads this article is eligible for a special deal from NicoBloc!
For a limited time, you can get 2 FREE bottles of NicoBloc when you buy 3 simply by using the link below! Keep them for yourself, or offer it to a friend who is also trying to kick the smoking habit.
It’s time to get your life back and put down your cigarettes forever. Try NicoBloc today!
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